Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In Desperate Need of an Update...

So as I was reading over my last blog entry I realized that I am in desperate need of an update (hence the title of this entry).

So to start off...
Life is Dandy :)

I finally grew a brain and realized that the reason I was so miserable was because I was completely ignoring what the Lord was saying to me. I came to the conclusion that it was either be miserable, or obey I chose the latter.
I can't tell you how different life has been since. God provided me with some incredible friends, and He allowed me to reconnect a friend that I felt distant from. He filled my heart with an incredible amount of joy that I find hard to even describe, and He gave me my encouraging and optimistic attitude back. 

Looking back I realize that God used my trials, obstacles, and mistakes from last semester to grow me into who I am now (thank you Ben for helping me realize this). I was obviously at A&M for that one semester for a reason, and I truly believe it was so I could grow and learn from my experiences. Although I would do things differently if I got the chance, I am still thankful that the Lord used those hard times to sharpen me...even if I didn't know it.

I have had an overwhelming sense of peace lately...TRUE peace. Although sometimes I wish the future would hurry up and get her, I can't help but think that it is going to be amazing. I'm at the point right now where I will do whatever the Lord asks of me. Things always go better His way (took me long enough to figure that one out!), so I'm committed to doing whatever He asks. Thinking of the future almost brings tears of happiness to my eyes because I'm so incredibly excited.

Well...I must be heading to bed. My teddy bear Chubby looks lonely on my pillow... :)

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