Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm Looking Forward

These past couple of weeks have been completely insane.
I have gone through a lot of changes and have had to really step out of my comfort zone. 


I'm a little excited about next semester despite the fact that I'm not going to be at A&M.
I'm excited about finally following my dream. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm really supposed to be doing photography. Looking at pictures makes me want to go out and make something look beautiful. :)

I also feel like the Lord has something else planned for me outside of just what I'm going to major in. I mean, maybe it's going into the ministry, doing missions, or something else. I have no idea. But I do know that I'm completely open to whatever He has planned. I've gone through so much these past few weeks, that nothing can stop me from doing what I want or think I should do :)

Bring it on. 

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