Thursday, March 6, 2008

An Eye-Opening Day

I now have a job at Moonie's Burger House...

I'm pretty excited...Ashley works there, so that should be fun...'s close to the Brewers' so I can go visit them WHENEVER I want (haha just kidding Ashley)... :)

You know, through all of this I have realized that God really is sovereign (duh). God wants me to work at Moonie's (or I wouldn't have gotten the job).
I mean, I spent 2 hours in Target today applying and going through 2 interviews. There was really no reason for them not to hire me. Then they come and tell me that they won't hire me b/c I don't work Sundays. First of all..that's ridiculous...Secondly, total God thing.

Then I go to Moonie's and they are SO nice to me. The guy pretty much just sat me down and we had a friendly conversation (AKA: an interview). He was a really nice guy who had actually visited my church at one point (cool stuff), and he was talking about how his wife takes off on Wednesdays for a bible study (more cool stuff). It was pretty neato.

So I feel pretty confident that this is where God wants me.

God also convicted me about where my joy and happiness comes from.
Am I only happy when things go well? Or am I still joyful in the hard times?
I really need to work on this.

I need to be joyful in the Lord even when my parents are upset with me; even when Target rejects me; even when Rudy's doesn't have a spot for me; even when I'm driving through the nasty rain searching for a job that seems to not exist.

I need to be joyful in the Lord...


The Brewer's said...

Congrats Jess! I am so glad for you. How fun to work with Ashley!! And you should already know that you CAN come by the Brewer house whenever you want! As long as you bring goodies from Moonies!!

Anonymous said...

That guy at Moonies sounds like a ideal person to be working with(ha ha). Remember that god not only worked in your life- by having you stop at Moonies- but he also worked in ours. You are a great employee and we love having you in our lives.

Thanks Jessica,
